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Tim Reidy joined America’s staff in October 2006 and served as online editor for several years before moving into his current role as the deputy editor in chief.
Arts & CultureFilm
Maurice Timothy Reidy
“Spotlight,” in theaters nationwide, is a sensitive exploration of the ravages of sexual abuse upon an entire community.
Of Other Things
Maurice Timothy Reidy
“Show Me a Hero” gets into the weeds of late 1980s housing policy.
Faith in Focus
Maurice Timothy Reidy
Mass at an immigrant detention facility in Florence, Ariz.
A MOMENT OF PEACE. Discussions of a new housing plan for Yonkers, N.Y. in "Show Me Hero"
In All Things
Maurice Timothy Reidy
“Show Me a Hero” reminds us that sometimes government can help push us forward, even if the motives our leaders are not always so noble.
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Maurice Timothy Reidy
David Simon and his team revel in the weeds of late 1980s housing policy.
BEFORE THE STORM. Oscar Isaac, left, as aspiring Mayor Nick Wasicsko in 'Show Me a Hero'
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Maurice Timothy Reidy
At the heart of the class combat in "Show Me a Hero" is fear, a fear that is made worse by the fact the black, brown and white residents of Yonkers know very little about one another.
Signs Of the Times
Maurice Timothy Reidy
A detailed and highly critical analysis of the U.S. immigration detention system by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Center for Migration Studies is calling for a radical restructuring of the way the government handles undocumented immigrants.Released on May 11, the 44-page report tra
AIMING HIGH. Mark Rylance, with bow, as Thomas Cromwell in “Wolf Hall”
Maurice Timothy Reidy
‘Wolf Hall’ and the emergence of Thomas Cromwell
Of Other Things
Maurice Timothy Reidy
I like traditional radio because it’s tied to a person but also because it’s tied to a place.
THE GOAL. Pope Francis celebrates Mass on the feast of Corpus Christi at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome.
Synod on the Family
Nathan SchneiderGinny and Bob KaneValerie SchultzRebecca PetersMaurice Timothy ReidyKevin Clarke
Editor’s Note. “Families,” Pope Francis noted in a homily on Sept. 14, “are the first place in which we are formed as persons and, at the same time, the ‘bricks’ for the building up of society.” In preparation for the launch of the Synod of Bishops on the Fa