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Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
Asked in 1986 to describe himself, Fred Rogers listed off a long catalog of descriptors, including performer and television producer, but he concluded with “a husband and a father. And I am a minister.”
photo: Alfredo Capozzi/HBO
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jose Solís
Despite its apparent irreverence, the Maradonian Church mimics Catholic structures and echoes the Ignatian intention of finding God in all things.
FaithFaith and Reason
Wendy Crosby
The central religious message of "Good Omens" is a lighthearted critique of Christians who claim faith in a providential God, a God with a plan, but whose plan is utterly incomprehensible.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jim McDermott
A story about a patriarch who keeps humiliating his children.
Workers from China are eager to show that a Chinese factory can prosper in the United States in ‘American Factory’ (photo: Netflix).
Arts & CultureTelevision
Vincent J. Miller
The Netflix film offers a stunning degree of intimacy through the startup of a factory once run by General Motors.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Isabelle Senechal
“The Good Class" is a unique hybrid course of philosophy and film studies at the University of Notre Dame.