Twice a year, America publishes special literary issues devoted in their entirety to the world of literature. In Fall Books 2020, a variety of authors and genres are explored, from fiction to poetry to biography and more.
As a high school student in a rigorous art program, she had been drawn to Impressionism. Its tension—between precision and subjectivity, seeing clearly and feeling deeply—marks Leilani’s fiction output.
When John Berryman and Robert Giroux met at Columbia University in 1932, they would not have expected to forge a decades-long friendship that would result in over a dozen literary classics.
Published in 2002, ‘Year of Wonders’ is set in a 17th-century English plague town.
Jean Giono's narrators are often grounded in a kind of eternal present, where the coach will always run and a certain tree will always stand, moving us by degrees into the uneasy past of narrative.
In a new biography of Robert Stone, Madison Smartt Bell argues that Stone’s career involves both the American dream and the search for meaning.
Reality is messier than than fiction that reduces historical figures like Hillary Clinton to the sum of her most oversimplified virtues and vices.