
Sam Sawyer, S.J., is the editor in chief of America Media.
FaithAdvent Reflections
A Reflection for Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent
FaithShort Take
Pope Francis has a broad—and brave—vision of what being a pastor means, writes Sam Sawyer, S.J. And that vision has room for bishops to disagree with each other about the best way forward.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
The Texas abortion law wins a battle in the culture war but at what cost?
FaithShort Take
A statement from Colorado’s bishops will likely contribute to vaccine misinformation among Catholics, Sam Sawyer, S.J., writes. And its individualistic and libertarian notion of conscience ignores our obligations to the most vulnerable.
Is it appropriate for a Catholic media outlet to take steps to de-anonymize data in order to publicly reveal the sins of another?
FaithShort Take
Accusations and implications of hypocrisy have been easy to find on all sides of this controversy.
FaithFaith and Reason
Even in the exceedingly unlikely event that every bishop miraculously agreed on how to approach the question of Communion and abortion, it still would not resolve the political question of abortion in favor of the Catholic position.
FaithShort Take
Statements by some U.S. bishops on the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine for Covid-19 are proving to be a cautionary tale about confusing Catholics on what is morally permissible.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
By rescinding the Mexico City Policy, the president did serious damage to his own goal of unifying the country.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
The Republican Party has steadily devalued the meaning of “unconstitutional” in its defense of Donald Trump, writes Sam Sawyer, S.J., undermining the best legal argument of the pro-life movement.