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JesuiticalJanuary 15, 2021
Trump supporters gather outside the Capitol, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

One of the most alarming aspects of the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Trump was the prevalence of Christian symbols and language. That the cross and the name of Jesus were used to justify a violent attack on our nation’s democratic institutions shows just how far the Christian community has fallen short, according to this week’s guest, the Rev. Bryan Massingale: “We’ve allowed Christianity, Christian symbols, Christian faith, Christian language to be hijacked in the cause of a human ideology of exclusion and division.”

Father Massingale teaches theological and social ethics at Fordham University in New York and is the author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church. We talk with him about the toxic mix of racism, idolatry and spiritual emptiness on display on Capitol Hill and how Christians should respond.

In Signs of the Times, Pope Francis changed canon law this week to allow women to be officially installed as lectors and acolytes (i.e., those who do the readings, serve the altar and distribute Communion at Mass). Zac and Ashley discuss what this means for parishes and the place of women in the church.

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Links from the show:

Impeach. Convict. Now.
How Catholic Leaders Helped Give Rise to Violence at the U.S. Capitol
Pope Francis changes canon law: ministries of acolyte and lector open to women
Explainer: The history of women lectors and altar servers—and what Pope Francis has changed
The Racist Attack on Our Nation’s Capitol

What’s on tap?

Johnny Walker Black Label, with a twist

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