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FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
Christ did not rise from the dead to roam the cosmos. He rose from the dead to enter each human heart, to dwell there as a love that never dies, never diminishes.
FaithThe Word
Divine love requires humility and service
FaithThe Word
Christians who continue Christ’s mission make the divine presence felt in even the most hostile of places.
FaithThe Word
With a faith like that of our biblical ancestors, we can find in Christ’s body, blessed and broken for us, the source of everything we need.
Arts & CultureBooks
A new memoir by Elaine Pagels plumbs some of the deepest questions about what it means to be human and how ritual and faith can help make sense of the unfathomable.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
Christ has carried our humanity into God. This means that we matter, that what happens to the least of us matters.