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Arts & CultureBooks
And reading poetry, like the books in our 2018 poetry review, can be a great way to not make perfect sense of a thing, but to just be with a thing.
Arts & CultureBooks
Lisa Ampleman
T.S. Eliot attracts and repels all at once—but reading his 'Four Quartets' has been a formative experience for many a spiritual seeker.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Taylor D'Amico
I woke with Lycidas on my tongue, and I should have known.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Sarah Law
her wrists are shackled, / her head’s in her hand.
Atticus reading at The Strand bookstore in New York City.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Emma Winters
“Atticus is a storyteller, observer…. He loves the ocean, the desert, whiskey and playing with words.”
Arts & CulturePoetry
Joseph J. Feeney
I offer three ways I love you: (1) for your wild poetic imagination; (2) for your poems about unnoticed people; and (3) for your poems about the Divine.