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Arts & CultureBooks
Gregory Hillis
A new introduction could plant seeds in children that will perhaps flower later in life.
Dolores Huerta rallies striking farmworkers and supporters during the California grape boycott. (Courtesy of "Dolores: the movie") 
Arts & CultureFilm
Antonio De Loera-Brust
Huerta’s lack of recognition is certainly not due to a lack of proximity to power; she stood alongside giants of American history.
Padraic Delany as Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms in 1517. (Courtesy of Jake Thomas/PBS)
Arts & CultureTelevision
John Anderson
The two-hour film portrays the "simple monk" Martin Luther as more of a Catholic than he is generally thought to be.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Paul Mariani

 “I really feel I can touch you even in this darkness when I pray.”
    —War correspondent James Foley (1973—2014)
           from his last message to his family

Man Jack the man is, just” Gerard Manley Hopkins

Recovered now enough to scrub the deck,
which turned dun brown with insidious dirt
and cobwebs in the months I twisted, hurt-
ing in yet one more hospital bed, my spine a wreck,

Arts & CulturePoetry
Devin Kelly

In the beginning my beginning hummed
with the sound of a thousand other beginnings.
Now, when I say light, I stare away from sun
& into your body. If I am to be in possession
of anything, I want it to be my state of witness.
How difficult to see the consanguinity of rivers,
one leading toward one, the air the blown kiss
swims & the kiss itself, its fist & fever.
We are born of word & the word travels.
You hear it at night, the train’s rattling moan,
dust’s physicality, a country of mothers unraveling

Arts & CulturePoetry
Paul Mariani
What stays with me in reading Ashbery is the sense of existential loneliness beneath the linguistic play and multiple voices.