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Eve Tushnet
I love horror movies because they show me the sublime. I love them for a lot of other reasons too, I admit, depending on my mood. I don’t believe in a grand, unified theory of horror, or of any other genre of film; most genres are a welter of traditions and counter-traditions. Sometimes you wa
A rosary on board the carrack Mary Rose
Philip Crispin
One museum sheds light on English Catholicism
Arts & CultureIdeas
Julie Rattey
Jane Austen’s novels are as much about vice and virtue as marriage and manners.
Politics & SocietyIdeas
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
The dogmatic thinking that convinced us that a phone could (should!) be a sheer piece of glass, that a swipe of a finger on a screen should feel like moving a real object, and that the Internet should be in our pockets has opened up tremendous possibilities.
Jay Parini
What sort of divine power did Robert Frost listen to?
Arts & CultureIdeas
James T. Keane
Despite his popular image, Jack Kerouac was born and died a self-identified Catholic.