If I’m ever in a situation where I’m permanently unconscious and unable to eat,” says my father, “I’m begging you: Let me go. I don’t want to be kept alive by a feeding tube.” We are sitting at my parents’ table on a pleasant Sunday morning, with advan
Here I am at the parting of the ways and I must take the other road after all. The death sentence has been passed and the atmosphere is so charged with enmity and hatred that no appeal has any hope of succeeding. So the whole proceedings turned into a sort of comedy developing a theme. It was not ju
Pope attacks the cruelty of Atheism" and Pope Replies to The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins were two of the headlines that greeted Benedict XVIs second encyclical, Saved by Hope (Spe Salvi). An Anglican bishop was more on target when he told me: I welcome this encyclical on Christian hope. Hope is
Faithful Citizens “A Future Without Parish Schools,” by Terry Golway, (12/10) raises a crucially important issue for the future of catechesis in the Catholic Church in the United States. Catholic parish schools have been an extremely important factor in providing for the catechesis of Ca
The political news from Iowa and New Hampshire has undercut the conventional wisdom about our present political culture. The surprisingly decisive victory in Iowa of Barack Obama, an African-American candidate campaigning in a predominantly white state, damaged the image of Hillary Clinton as the in