
Vincent D. Rougeau is president of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. He has served as the dean of Boston College Law School and president of the Association of American Law Schools. He was also the inaugural director of the Boston College Forum on Racial Justice in America.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
To secure a more promising tomorrow, institutional presidents should reclaim a commitment central to the founding of Catholic colleges and universities in the United States: a special focus on the needs and the dignity of the marginalized.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Pope Francis challenges us to reject the selfishness of fake populism, write two veterans of social justice campaigns. Community organizing can help us build a different kind of politics.
Politics & SocietyLast Take
Structural racism must be addressed as a collective, not only an individual, responsibility. A new project at Boston College tackles this challenge. Its inaugural director, Vincent Rougeau, explains.
Few societies in modern history have been more invested in the social construct of race than the United States. The perpetuation of race-based chattel slavery in a nation founded on radical notions of individual freedom fueled enduring, albeit simplistic, dualities around the concepts of “blac
Martha Nussbaum's new book looks at the "human development approach" to social development.
Thea Bowmans struggle to open the Catholic Church to African-American spirituality.
Race, religion and the 2008 election