
Tom Beaudoin is associate professor of theology at Fordham University, in the Graduate School of Religion. His latest book is Witness to Dispossession: The Vocation of a Postmodern Theologian.
In All Things
nbsp America readers near New York City might be interested to know that Timothy Radcliffe OP will be giving a lecture at Fordham on Tuesday 12 February at 5 00 The lecture will take place in Tognino Hall in Duane Library at the Rose Hill Bronx campus nbsp nbsp As readers no doubt are aware
In All Things
Every constellation of ritual belief and ethical practice that we call religion finds its way to inventing something like blessings for children of more or less consequential form Some such ritualizations are taken to be of deep consequence or significance -- like naming christening baptism
In All Things
Do what you what you want till you don t want it any more Remember who you really are Amy Lee of Evanescence belts these lyrics in Do What You Want The video features many great New York City shots of subway stations the Brooklyn Bridge and more If you ve ever made your way through NYC
In All Things
In this weekend s New York Times dance critic Alastair Macaulay introduces readers to jookin If you are not familiar with this form of urban dancing performance art it is well worth checking out Macaulay s article is nbsp here And here is jookin master Lil Buck with Yo-Yo Ma performing The Sw
In All Things
My recent post on the increasing use of queer as a term of dignity on Catholic college and university campuses for some LGBT persons and allies evoked numerous replies I want to let readers know that an updated statement about the use of queer at clubs at Fordham can be found here Not just
In All Things
Over the course of teaching college for the past dozen years and through my own many missteps I have come to see it as a basic rule of decency that as much as possible people should be called whatever they prefer to be called I have seen this rule of thumb proven helpful in many kinds of convers
In All Things
I am on my way back from a conference on ecclesiology and ethnography that took place in the north of England at the University of Durham The theme of the conference was ldquo Ordinary Ecclesiology rdquo and most of the papers mdash from presenters hailing from the UK Western Europe and the U
In All Things
Recently I finished writing a chapter on Ignatius of Loyola for a forthcoming book that focuses on the importance of the saints in the context of the Catholic Church in crisis The book is edited by Catherine Wolff and is called Not Less Than Everything Catholic Writers on Heroes of Conscience H
In All Things
One of the subthemes of reportage on Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan is the extent to which he embodies what he is supposed to embody as the first Generation X candidate Some commentators have seen in Ryan s politics a reflection of the pragmatic post-utopian do-it-yourself su
FaithIn All Things
Yes on fireworks Because here in the USA many of us have just celebrated the 4th of July or Independence Day Or as some now propose it be more fittingly called Interdependence Day As I was watching a fireworks show near New York City last night I was wondering why I am so taken by them an