
Thomas J. Healey is a retired investment banker and currently a senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is an active Catholic philanthropist, as well as an occasional contributor to America.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
The coronavirus pandemic should not make us feel helpless, writes Thomas J. Healey. Even small acts of generosity can have a powerful impact on individuals around the world.
A young man whose brother was killed on the streets of Paterson turned up days later at the Father English Community Center with a simple request. Poor and marginally employed, he needed a suit, shirt and tie to wear to his brother’s funeral. Carlos Roldan, who oversees the clothes closet, foo
Too often the Catholic Church learns the value of accountability and transparency the hard way. In Philadelphia, for example, a senior member of the archdiocesan staff walked off with more than $900,000 in church proceeds before the theft was uncovered in the summer of 2011. The newly arrived archbi
A call for Catholic mobilization to finance our schools
Can you follow your conscience and still beat the S&P 500?
How your parish can get down to business
The first visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United States focused the media on many of the ills plaguing the Catholic Church, from the sexual abuse scandals to the shortage of priests to the shuttering of schools and parishes by cash-starved dioceses. What receives virtually no exposure, by contrast
For two extraordinary days in the summer of 2004, 175 religious and lay leaders gathered in Philadelphia to wrestle with the future of the Catholic Church in this country. The site of the conference - the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania - could not have been more appropriate, given