
Jose Solís is a Honduran theatre critic based in New York City. His work has appeared in The New York Times and TDF Stages. He is the creator and co-host of “Token Theatre Friends.”
Arts & CultureTheater
Theater critic Jose Solís surveys several productions of the holiday classic
Arts & CultureTelevision
Despite its apparent irreverence, the Maradonian Church mimics Catholic structures and echoes the Ignatian intention of finding God in all things.
Arts & CultureTheater
Jose Solís talks to Jessica Hagedorn and composer Fabián Obispo, the creators behind the new musical, "Felix Starro," the very first Filipino-American musical produced in the United States.
Arts & CultureTheater
A new broadway play creates a docu-mythologia around the disappearance and murders of more than 700 women in Ciudad Juárez since 1993.