Of Many Things
Going through the stack of letters to America each week can be a profound education.
Signs Of the Times
A conference in New York took up a topic that has been much debated in recent years in arenas ranging from popular culture to papal addresses.
In All Things
A week before President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet Pope Benedict XVI praise for Obama came from a perhaps unexpected source the former theologian of the papal household under Pope John Paul II nbsp As reported by John R Allen Jr of the National Catholic Reporter Cardinal George Cottier
In All Things
Please forgive the terrible pun above but here is an interesting story out of Rome just as we are coming to the close of the end of the Pauline Year and the 2 000th anniversary of St Paul s birth Pope Benedict XVI has announced that scientific evidence shows the bones housed in the Basilica of
In All Things
Another academic heavy hitter spoke at yesterday s afternoon session of the Faith and Reason 2009 A Dialogue at the Heart of Jesuit Education conference at Fordham University Fr Michael Himes of Boston College His courses at BC on Twilight of Belief and Golden Age of Atheism are renowned f
In All Things
In today s morning session of the Faith and Reason 2009 conference at Fordham University participants were treated to a presentation by noted historian John W O rsquo Malley S J The University Professor at Georgetown University O Malley specializes in the religious culture of early modern Eur
In All Things
Tonight at Fordham University was the opening session of a conference on Faith and Reason 2009 A Dialogue at the Heart of Jesuit Education The opening speaker was someone who comes as close as academia can get to a superstar and he is apparently steroid-free philosopher Charles Taylor Spea
In All Things
Readers nbsp in the New York area who are interested in the dialogue between faith and reason will appreciate a conference happening this week at Fordham University s Rose Hill campus nbsp The conference includes 120 invited faculty and staff of the twelve East Coast Jesuit colleges and universiti
In All Things
The Independent books section has a great interview with Malcolm Gladwell he of Blink and The Tipping Point fame in which Gladwell talks at length about any number of subjects including the future of newspaper journalism nbsp Gladwell s latest book Outliers The Story of Success offers clues
In All Things
An interesting essay in Slate Magazine discusses a lawsuit that nbsp the reclusive nbsp J D Salinger is bringing against an author attempting to publish what is essentially an unauthorized sequel to Salinger rsquo s famous 1951 novel Catcher in the Rye nbsp Some snippets from the article nbsp