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James T. Keane is a senior editor at America.
Politics & Society
James T. KeaneJim McDermott
Richard H. Tierney and America's foray into politics
FaithOf Many Things
James T. Keane
In California, earthquakes are a subject of humor and nostalgia as much as terror
In All Things
James T. Keane
Here they are http catholicsformccain com nbsp The site states that Senator John McCain is pro-life and committed to nominating judges who are pro-life nbsp In issues of human dignity he is guided by a spirit of compassion that was born out of great suffering as a prisoner of war John McC
James T. Keane
A review of Ron Hansen's novel about Gerard Manley Hopkins
In All Things
James T. Keane
Sad news from Washington today Tim Russert host of NBC s Meet the Press died of a heart attack at 58 The CNN Report is here Despite an acerbic style in interviews and aggressive personality Russert has been one of political television s class acts over the past two decades He was als
In All Things
James T. Keane
When I lived at Ciszek Hall the Jesuit house of First Studies near Fordham University in the Bronx the residents ranged in age from 23 a first-year scholastic to 83 our house father Despite the six decades that separated the two both had studied philosophy under the same Jesuit Norrie Clark
In All Things
James T. Keane
Among the endless reports of senseless bloodshed and revenge killings coming out of Iraq is one curious and inspiring story reported by CNS yesterday Catholic Bishop Rejects Execution of Iraqi Archbishop s Murderer Though Al Qaeda operative Ahmed Ali Ahmed was found guilty of kidnapping and
Politics & Society
James T. KeaneJim McDermott
When seven Jesuits arrived to set up shop at 32 Washington Square West on Feb. 6, 1909, they had some distinguished company among the buildings flanking New York City's famous Washington Square Park.
Of Many Things
James T. Keane
Faith and obedience, Pope Benedict XVI reminded Americans, are not easy words to speak nowadays.
In All Things
James T. Keane
As America’s readers know, we are celebrating our hundredth year of publication. Ever wondered what the magazine looked like in April of 1909? Online editor Tim Reidy has scanned and posted the April 17, 1909 initial issue of America as a .pdf file--you can read it here. (it’s a big file: be patient). The initial issue wasn’t big on graphics or readability, but heavy on content.