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FaithVantage Point
The Editors
After a tense standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States over the presence of Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba, the editors of America weigh the outcome and the consequences.
for an article on synodality, pope francis stands in front of a group of young people giving a speech
The Editors
We should not be surprised when any notion of the church as a perfect society is not embraced by people who have real wounds and struggles.
Jefferson, an 8-year old boy from Honduras, stands near his parents as he is questioned by a border patrol agent Aug. 26, 2022, after they smuggled across the Rio Grande into Roma, Texas. (CNS photo/Adrees Latif, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
Politicians may fear losing elections, but too many citizens seem to fear migrants and asylum seekers themselves.
Members of America’s staff at Mass in the office chapel (photo: Keara Hanlon)
FaithVantage Point
The Editors
When it was founded in 1909, America sought to be journal of general interest to all Americans despite its specific Jesuit charism. The goal remain the same today.
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
The recent expansion of Arizona’s school voucher program will make it easier for Catholic schools there to fulfill their mission.
Arts & CultureVantage Point
The Editors
This story has no moral, only a great joy for Mrs. Toole, and a great sadness.
The Editors
The danger we face as a church is not so much hostility toward the church and its sacraments, but apathy.
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
What is most needed in the public debate on abortion is an honest moral reckoning with the two goods that are in tension when a woman faces a pregnancy she feels she cannot continue.
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
President Biden has an opportunity in this crisis. The American people want to help Ukrainians threatened by Vladimir Putin’s vicious war.
A crown of thorns and three nails rest on the edge of a wooden cross.
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
The promise of eternal life must lead to greater forgiveness and reconciliation, not passivity in the face of injustice. Such reconciliation can come about only when judgment is left in the hands of God.