Arts & CultureFilm
America reviewed a range of films over the last year, including many of the awards-show contenders.
Arts & CultureTelevision
“The Chosen” television series tells some of the well-known biblical stories about Christ and his disciples—and weaves into them fictional stories about the life of Christ and his disciples.
How to access episodes of “Hark!” for non-exclusive radio distribution.
FaithSynod Diary
An exclusive conversation with Father James Martin, Gerard O’Connell, Colleen Dulle and Sebastian Gomes about the future of synodality in the U.S. church
A transcript prepared by America Media sheds light on the meeting between Cardinal Fernández and synod participants held on Oct. 24.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Here’s what you need to know about “Dilexit nos,” the new encyclical from Pope Francis about the Sacred Heart.
Women deacons have become the subject of a growing debate in the Catholic Church.
America Media has released a video explainer about the state of the women deacons question. It looks at the history of women deacons and raises the key theological questions in the debate.
Arts & CultureFilm
America's staff returns to give their favorite recommendations of what to watch this summer.
Arts & CultureBooks
Some suggestions from the staff of America for summer reading: books old and new, long and short, funny and sad.