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James Martin, S.J.
Pay attention to those holy people in your life: they’re drawing you closer to God.
James Martin, S.J.
The Examen with Fr. James Martin, S.J.: Noticing patterns in your prayer
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Whatever we give—time, resources, skills, attention—the offering ought to be like the widow’s: complete, courageous and with total trust in grace.
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Jesus drew on the biblical meaning of love, commanding unwavering loyalty to God and neighbor.
James Martin, S.J.
The Gospel of Luke is often called The Gospel of Prayer, because of all the many times it portrays Jesus at prayer. Take that as your text, and inspiration, for this week. 
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
We were not meant to run, were not meant to be hunted. We were meant to be loved.