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Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
As the capital of Italy and center of Catholicism, the city of Rome must work with the Catholic Church to preserve and defend its rich historical and spiritual traditions, Pope Francis said.
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FaithLast Take
John J. Conley, S.J.
The church’s doctrine of the last things underscores the mystery we face as we ponder death.
FaithLent Reflections
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
With the smartphone now functioning as an essential anatomical appendage, it is harder than it has ever been to make distinctions, to turn off the noise, to say “Enough.”
Eric Sundrup, S.J.
Some background to the kerfuffle over Pope Francis and kissing the papal ring.
FaithFaith in Focus
Anthony R. Lusvardi, S.J.
The freshness and wonder, the way that what was there before still exists but is now shot through with newness. The city glitters. Why not? Lent is the season of baptismal preparation as much as penance.