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FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
There is something very disconcerting about being accosted by someone who challenges you with the question "Have you been saved?"
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
The Fourth Sunday of Easter has traditionally been known as Good Shepherd Sunday. The particular focus today is on leadership Whose leadership do we follow?
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
We should not be too quick to criticize the early disciples for their initial lack of faith in the resurrection.
Sacro Monte di Crea; The finding of the empty tomb of Christ, statues by Antonio Brilla, 1889 (Wiki Commons) 
Gerald O'Collins
As Easter comes round again, many wonder how to understand the resurrection of Jesus Christ and its message for us.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
Today’s Gospel and Luke’s whole theology of the Spirit, which will unfold in Acts, is a chronicle of the way God can walk with us in surprising, often unknown ways, reversing our path from fear and disappointment to make of us bearers of the power of the risen one.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
The shepherd imagery is deeply rooted in biblical thought.