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Arts & CultureBooks
Thomas P. Rausch
Review of Ross Douthat's latest book, "To Change the Church." While the church always strives to honor what Jesus said about divorce and remarriage, it has made pastoral accommodations since its earliest days.
Arts & CultureBooks
Anthony D. Andreassi
When a historical figure has a reputation as large as John Hughes, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction.
Itzhak Perlman at home (photo: Greenwich Entertainment)
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
“Praying with the violin” is how an old friend describes the art of the classical music star.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Angelo Jesus Canta
Can inside jokes among those who already speak the language of the church appeal to the outside world?
Arts & CultureNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
After two years working on a documentary about Pope Francis, the noted German filmmaker Wim Wenders said he is most struck by the pope's courage.
Photo of Arthur Miller courtesy HBO
Arts & CultureTheater
Rob Weinert-Kendt
Rebecca Miller has made a film that pays complicated tribute to a complex man.