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MagazineYour Take
Our readers

Changing Consciousness

Re “A Call to Prayer,” by Tim Shriver (1/7): Father Thomas Keating changed the consciousness of many of us who have rested in God through “centering prayer.” His great quality of humility models for us a new way of being in our divided world. My father died last week, and I can attest that my centering prayer practice helped keep me present, loving and trusting through my dad’s difficult eight months of hospice care.

Our readers

Meet in the Middle

Re “The 2018 America Profile,” by Matt Malone, S.J. (12/24): Candidates in the mold of Governor John Bel Edwards of Louisiana are definitely the smart path for Democrats. And more moderation would benefit Republicans as well. Meeting in the middle is the only logical way forward.

Bryan Craig


At the Cinema

Our readers

An Opportunity

Re “Planes, Trains and Automobiles,” by Matt Malone, S.J. (Of Many Things, 12/10): When the law trumps conscience and grace, it is never truly right. As Christians, we have the opportunity to experience and to witness this in our own faith communities and to allow it to change our lives and to change the world.

Mary Phenicie


Keep Moving Forward

Our readers

Money in Politics

Re “America’s (Un)Civil War,” by Matt Malone, S.J. (Of Many Things, 11/26): Civility and compromise, perhaps, are joined at the hip. Politicians and candidates inclined to compromise could face election opponents backed by mega-money. Why would any politician or candidate intentionally incur the wrath of mega-money?

Chuck Kotlarz


Addressing Clericalism

MagazineYour Take
Our readers
I see what the author speaks of and realize that they are all gifts God has placed in our lives to show God’s presence and grace.
MagazineOf Many Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
No single person can be trusted to wield power; therefore, power must be shared among many and policed by a legal system of checks and balances.