During the Easter triduum this year, homilists will find themselves, sadly, with a great deal of contemporary material that echoes the story of Good Friday. The events of Sept. 11, the continuing war in Afghanistan, the conflict in the Middle East, the turmoil in places like Nigeria and Pakistan, as
It is helpful to understand the sexual abuse of children by priests within the broader context of child victimization.
Sin is the hardest thing in the world to explain but the easiest thing to demonstrate When we pray Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us we only rarely sense the mystery within these words the enormity of the suffering that sin engenders and the possibility of he
Its name evokes peace but Jerusalem is a city in constant turmoil where controversy often turns deadly In 1996 when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened the Hasmonean tunnel under the Haram al Sherif the Muslim sanctuary above the Temple Mount more than two weeks of hard fighting between P
The novelist Iris Murdoch died only two years ago at the age of 79, but already a memoir, film and biography have appeared to preserve her memory for devoted fans and to introduce her to new audiences. In Iris Murdoch: A Life, Peter J. Conradi offers a wide-ranging look at the life of a writer and
People frequently ask, “What is the church?” Today’s readings provide foundational images for God’s own people.