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John Dougherty is the director of mission and ministry at St. Joseph’s Preparatory School in Philadelphia, Pa.
Asa Butterfield and Jude Law star in a scene from the movie ‘Hugo’ 
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
In “Hugo,” Scorsese’s only family-friendly feature to date, he reflects on how dreams give meaning to our lives and help us persevere through life’s hardships.
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” is the closest that the Coens have come to making a musical, and the film’s lush period folk soundtrack enriches its spiritual themes.
Miles Teller stars in a scene from the movie "Whiplash." (CNS photo/courtesy Sony Pictures Classics)
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
Played by Miles Teller, Andrew falls prey to an obsession so powerful that it robs us of the clarity or freedom to make good choices.
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
As much as ‘The Tree of Life’ is about a family, it’s just as much about Jack’s relationship with God, and how it changes as he grows.
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
The paradox at the heart of Christianity is that we must die in order to live again. And few movies witness to that truth like “Romero” (1989).
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
An idealist—like Jesus or Jefferson Smith—can be dangerous because he refuses to accept the compromises that form the foundation of their power.
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
When we create, we refuse to let darkness have the final say.
Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington in ‘Philadelphia’ (photo: Wikipedia)
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
This is a film aimed at the Doubting Thomases, the ones who dismissed the AIDS crisis as the natural consequence of a risky and deviant lifestyle.
Cher and Nicholas Cage in ‘Moonstruck’ (CNS photo from MGM)
Arts & CultureCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
‘Moonstruck’ is a great film to watch during Lent, as we reflect on our finitude and what we should do with the time we’re given.
FaithCatholic Movie Club
John Dougherty
A conversation with Phadadria M. Randall, L.C.S.W., on “Inside Man” (2006) for Black for History Month.