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Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
The drama surrounding Wuerl’s resignation is only partially about Wuerl himself — it’s also about who’s next. Other bishops, also facing tough questions, could now find themselves beset by calls to follow Wuerl’s example and step down.
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
Groups of religious women are speaking out about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, citing their faith.
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service Yonat Shimron - Religion News Service
The dioceses of Washington, D.C.; St. Louis; Seattle; St. Petersburg, Fla.; and Richmond, Va., are planning or have already held services focused on repentance and atonement.
Politics & SocietyNews
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
Theologians, religion scholars and activists have rushed to aid a theology student arrested while protesting a white supremacist’s appearance in Charlottesville, Va., raising money for his legal fees and calling his demonstration against racism a “model” of “scholar-activism.”
Politics & SocietyNews
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
Last fall, as coalition troops broke through the last major strongholds held by the so-called Islamic State, Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech to the advocacy group In Defense of Christians in Washington, D.C. In what attendees said was an unexpected move, he focused a sizable portion of his remarks on attacking United Nations efforts to assist Iraqi minority religious groups whose ancient, ancestral homes were ravaged by the militants.
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
The pope’s message in Davos was one of a spate of recent Catholic discussions of a technology that is rapidly making its way into our everyday lives, in virtual assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa, the phones in our pockets and, soon enough, in self-driving cars.
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
The conversation often circled back to the question of whether Francis was fundamentally altering the church, and if his doing so could result in a “break” or schism.
Politics & SocietyNews
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are backing public sector unions in an upcoming Supreme Court case.
Palestinian protesters take cover behind a metal plate during clashes with Israeli troops following protests against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Friday, Dec. 8, 2017. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
Politics & SocietyNews
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
The embassy move appears to make an already delicate existence even more complicated for Palestinian Christians.