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Arts & CultureBooks
Brett McLaughlin, S.J.
Lynch possessed a deeply incarnational spirituality and criticized religion understood as mere assent to transcendent meaning.
FaithThe Word
John W. Martens
St. Augustine defined martyrdom in this way: “It is the reason why, not the suffering that constitutes the martyr.”
FaithOf Many Things
Edward W. Schmidt, S.J.
The congregation has spoken, and we are happy with their choice of Father Arturo Sosa as our new superior general.
FaithSigns Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Meeting a pilgrimage of Catholics and Lutherans from Germany, Pope Francis said he does not like “the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.” Answering questions from young people in the group o
Arts & CultureTelevision
Eloise Blondiau
"High Maintenance" and "Easy" train viewers to think outside of themselves and to consider what is going on inside other people's minds.
Politics & SocietyWashington Front
John Carr
We need more faithful Catholics running for office and more outreach to Catholic voters.