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Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Zimmermann - Catholic News Service
The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court apparently seem divided over a case involving The Little Sisters of the Poor which concerns a Trump administration ruling allowing religious employer exemptions for contraceptive coverage in health plans.
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
At his morning Mass, Pope Francis prayed especially for the safety and the work of journalists all over the world during this time of pandemic.
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Vatican has postponed the beatifications that were scheduled for May and June, one of which included that of the late Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, mentor and friend of Pope Saint John Paul II.
Displaced Syrian children are seen at a camp in Idlib on April 14, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Internally displaced people, those forced to flee their homes, but who do not cross into another country, still often need protection and special assistance, including from the church, said a new Vatican document released May 5. (CNS photo/Khalil Ashawi, Reuters)
Politics & SocietyVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“Pope Francis gives enormous importance to the plight of the millions of forgotten men, women and children forced to migrate within their own countries and known internationally as ‘internally displaced people.’”
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Thomas J. Healey
The coronavirus pandemic should not make us feel helpless, writes Thomas J. Healey. Even small acts of generosity can have a powerful impact on individuals around the world.
Francisco Ramírez delivers grocery donations in a neighborhood with a large immigrant population in the Bronx, New York, on April 18. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Politics & SocietyNews
J.D. Long García
Nearly 20 million immigrants work in health care, farm work and other jobs that are critical to the nation, writes J.D. Long-García, but many are shut out of assistance programs during the coronavirus pandemic.