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Arts & CulturePoetry
Devin Kelly

In the beginning my beginning hummed
with the sound of a thousand other beginnings.
Now, when I say light, I stare away from sun
& into your body. If I am to be in possession
of anything, I want it to be my state of witness.
How difficult to see the consanguinity of rivers,
one leading toward one, the air the blown kiss
swims & the kiss itself, its fist & fever.
We are born of word & the word travels.
You hear it at night, the train’s rattling moan,
dust’s physicality, a country of mothers unraveling

Arts & CulturePoetry
Dana Gioia
Jacobnever climbed the ladderburning in his dream. Sleeppressed him like a stonein the dust,and whenhe should have risenlike a flame to jointhat choir, he was sickof traveling,and closedhis eyes to the Seraphimascending, unconsciousof the impossible distancesbetween their steps,missedthem mount the
Jim McDermott
Like Pope Francis, Oliver’s poetry invites readers to let the distractions of our modern, constant motion, hyper-stimulated world fall away from time to time, to enter into that quiet place of contemplation and gratitude that waits in the world all around us.
Arts & CulturePoetry
John Poch
I want to know what kind of wood and how the hinges will convert the seat into a stall where a monk can stand for a while
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
William Carlos Williams rejected the poetic conventions of the time in favor of a distinctly American verse.
Arts & CultureBooks
Angela Alaimo O'Donnell
Mary Oliver reminds us of the mystery and necessity of poetry.