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Arts & CultureBooks
Timothy Wadkins
Cesar Chavez is widely considered a great American hero. But 'From the Jaws of Victory' by Matt Garcia explores some of the activist's flaws not often acknowledged by those who know only the legend.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Julie Rattey
Jane Austen’s novels are as much about vice and virtue as marriage and manners.
Photo: Chloe Aftel
Arts & CultureBooks
Kevin Spinale
"My job is to make what happens within the story convincing and accurate and compelling and believable – and if I am a decent observer of human nature and the world, all theological ideas can find a home here."
Arts & CultureIdeas
James T. Keane
Despite his popular image, Jack Kerouac was born and died a self-identified Catholic.
Arts & CultureBooks
Diane Scharper
'The Testament of Mary' tells an intriguing though not always convincing story. It's main character—and to an extent its only character—is an old woman fretting about her past as she tries to get the facts straight.
Arts & CultureBooks
Diane Scharper
Julian Barnes's new novel is a philosophical mystery that morphs into a morality tale.