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Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos of Matagalpa, Nicaragua prays at a Catholic church in Managua, Nicaragua.
Catholic News Service
Bishop Rolando Álvarez Lagos of Matagalpa was accused of conspiracy to undermine the country and propagate false news, according to a statement from the courts in the national capital, Managua.
Juan Billarruem and Maria Bonilla play the part of Joseph and Mary seeking refuge on the night of Christ's birth during a posada at Holy Redeemer Parish in Detroit, Mich., on Dec. 19, 2001. (CNS photo by Audrey Sommers, Michigan Catholic) 
FaithLast Take
Elaine Ayala
The Christmastime sing-along and re-enactment of the Holy Family’s quest for lodging is a joyous Latino tradition that can be shared by all Catholics.
sebastian gomes stands next to a man who is featured in the people of god video. they stand in front of a plywood-boarded up church entrance. sebastian wears a red shirt, the man an orange one
FaithYour Take
Our readers
In October, America Media released a groundbreaking documentary meant to deepen the ongoing conversation about the Catholic Church in the United States.
A massive drought in southern Madagascar, with a dried up river.
Politics & SocietyNews
Alejandra Molina - Religion News Service
A recent study from the international humanitarian agency Catholic Relief Services (CRS) found that American Catholics were more likely to express that climate change is a shared responsibility than their non-Catholic counterparts.
Two women in habit look over a ledge at a large crowd of people holding flags
Politics & SocietyExplainer
Gabriela Selser - Associated PressMaría Teresa Hernández - Associated Press
For five years, the government and church of Nicaragua have been at odds over protests and state corruption.
FaithShort Take
Elaine Ayala
The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe has never dimmed in Latin America and the United States. Her feast day on Dec. 12 provides special comfort two years into the Covid pandemic.