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MagazineYour Take
Our readers
We need to get back to honest debate and decent, well-thought criticism of both President Trump and the opposition party.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers

Love Chooses Life

MagazineYour Take
Our readers
As a pro-life Democrat, I think the Democratic Party could become strong again if it would not insist that all the people who call themselves Democrats be pro-choice without exception.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
A significant obstacle for Catholics with depression and/or anxiety was the dangerous—and wrongful—interpretation of these conditions as spiritual failures.
MagazineYour Take
The Editors
If there is any hallmark of the Catholic imagination, in particular the Ignatian Catholic imagination, it would be the ability to see God in the most unexpected places.
MagazineYour Take
Our readers
Conversation. Care. Courage. Presence. This kind of writing feeds my soul. Thank you.