To hear the name Gettysburg is, for almost any American, to immediately remember famous men. First, one thinks of the legendary generals on both sides of the enormous Civil War, or perhaps of Abraham Lincoln, delivering the brief but masterful Gettysburg Address at the dedication of a cemetery to ho
For people of faith, responding to hunger is about neither politics nor humanitarianism. Rather, feeding the hungry is primarily a response to the question posed by Jesus to all of his followers: “Who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8:29). It is about the belief that the food we eat is both G
Evangelization needs to be practical, if is to succeed in inviting people to embrace Christ and live the Gospel more wholeheartedly. A working definition might be: Evangelization is a radical call to do things differently, in very concrete and practical ways, in order to set people’s hearts on
Some say it all started with Bill Clinton’s feel-your-pain politics, others with Oprah’s daily pseudo-psychology. Still others say it began with MTV’s “The Real World,” the first in that ingeniously banal and now omnipresent genre called reality television.Whenever it s
Eucharist at the CenterRe “Higher Learning,” by John R. Wilcox (9/9): We Catholics should insist that our educational institutions promote Catholic beliefs, starting with the belief that Jesus makes himself present to ordinary people in the celebration of Eucharist and that this is a goo
The right to a just wage is rooted in the transcendent dignity of every human being.