Who could have predicted 25 years ago, when three Trappist monks from a monastery in Massachusetts introduced contemplative prayer to a group of non-contemplatives, that its popularity would grow so dramatically? Today, thousands of believers from a variety of Christian denominations in every state
How about the following planks for a political party platform this November:1. Health care is a fundamental human right to which every American is entitled.2. The lack of safe affordable housing is a national crisis and such housing should be available to all on a non-discriminatory basis.3. The min
Summer is a time of celebration and transition in most religious communities. It is no different for those who live and work at America House, situated midway between Radio City Music Hall and the West-Nile virus hot zone in Central Park. Though none of us has been stricken with any exotic tropical
Those Who Love Them
With gratitude, I applaud America for Of Many Things by Patricia A. Kossmann, the editorial on Elder Abuse, Elderhood for the World by Thomas E. Clarke, S.J., and On Dying Well, by Myles N. Sheehan, S.J.,
Won’t it be fun when we can take gondola rides through downtown Miami and Los Angeles? And will not Eskimos smile when the Yukon River Valley grows cantaloupe for the European Union? And won’t we rejoice when, instead of taking the same old cruise to the palmy Caribbean, we can do someth
Reformation Counter-Reformation Tridentine Age Age of Confessionalization Some of the above All of the above John W O rsquo Malley S J professor of church history at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge Mass argues that no one label is sufficient to embrace all the aspects of th
I should have been required to read a book like this the summer before I began studying theology for ordination That was my thought as I read Arthur Jones rsquo s breezy but compelling new book on U S Catholicism It certainly constitutes required reading for anyone contemplating ministry in the N