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The Rev. Miron Kerul-Kmec and the author at St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church in Barberton, Ohio.
Faith in Focus
James Dominic Rooney
An Eastern priest's vision for Catholic-Orthodox relations
FaithFaith in Focus
Stephen Fields, S.J.
My inner silence returned me to the cathedral, and to the meaning of the priesthood.
FaithFaith in Focus
Stephen Bullivant
No topic is out of bounds for the theologian.
The march to Daniel Berrigan's funeral on May 6. All photos by Jonathan Giftos.
FaithFaith in Focus
Nathan Schneider
Dan is dead; long live Dan. But how?
Faith in Focus
Tanya Rybarczyk
Her story does not end with her sons.
A young girl eats supper at the North End Soup Kitchen in Flint, Mich., Feb. 18. The soup kitchen is operated by Catholic Charities. (CNS photo/Jim West)
Faith in Focus
Ronald Landfair
It is Flint’s future we must concern ourselves with.