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Austen IvereighAugust 30, 2010

The British media are today running a story (as is the NYT) from the weekend's Belgian press that the former Archbishop of Brussels, Cardinal Godfried Danneels, sought to persuade the victim of abuse by a bishop to stay quiet. 

On 23 April -- see my post here -- that bishop, 73-year-old Roger Vangheluwe, the Bishop of Bruges for more than 25 years, suddenly and spectacularly resigned, admitting that while still a priest, and for a while while he was a bishop, he had sexually abused a young man in his "entourage". The move left everyone around him reeling. The bishop is currently in a monastery, keeping silence, while police investigate.

It transpires now that two weeks before that shock resignation, on 8 April, the victim -- it turns out to be the bishop's nephew, an unnamed 42-year-old -- went to see Cardinal Danneels, 77 (pictured), who retired in January this year. The victim secretly recorded the meeting, the transcripts of which were published at the weekend by two Flemish-language newspapers.

The victim told Danneels he could no longer keep quiet about how his uncle, Bishop Roger Vangheluwe, sexually abused him between the ages of 5 and 18, more than two decades earlier. He says Bishop Vangheluwe could not remain in office and the case must be reported to the church hierarchy.

According to the translation by Reuters, Danneels asks him: “What do you really want?”, cutting the victim off by saying he already knows the story and doesn’t need to hear it again. When the man says, “I give you the responsibility, I can’t decide … you should do what you think should be done, because I don’t know how this whole system works.”

“Do you want this to be made public?” the cardinal asks. “I leave that to you,” the victim responds. Then Danneels begins his effort to convince him to keep the lid on the problem: “The bishop will step down next year, so actually it would be better for you to wait.”

“No, I can’t agree that he takes his leave in glory, I can’t do that,” the victim replies.

According to Tom Heneghan of Reuters:

At one point, Danneels ducks and weaves trying to fend off the victim’s pleas to inform the Church hierarchy about Vangheluwe’s misdeeds. He says he has no authority over the bishop, only the pope does. When the victim suggests Danneels arrange a meeting with the pope, the cardinal gives the flip reply: “The pope isn’t that easy to reach.” A little later, he says:  “I don’t think you’d do yourself or him a favor by shouting this from the rooftops.”

At another point, Danneels suggests the victim admit his guilt and ask for forgiveness. “Who do I have to ask forgiveness from?” the surprised man asks.  When the  cardinal remarks that going public would put the bishop in a quandry, the victim replies: “I’ve been living my whole life in a quandry … I was brought up Catholic. I see the institution is wavering, I read the newspapers and so I think I have a duty to do this. How can I get my children to believe something that has such a background? I can’t. That’s just always shoving it onto the next generation. And everything stays the same. That’s not what the Church is for.”

When Danneels suggests the victim may be trying to blackmail the Church, the man pleads with him to take up this case, saying there has to be someone in the Church who can handle it because he cannot bring himself to expose his uncle on his own. “We were forced to get married by him, our children were baptised by him, how can I explain this to them?” he asked. “Yesterday I said to my oldest son, look, this is what happened to me. They must know what has happened.”

The exchange goes on with Danneels repeatedly arguing he has no power to do anything and that the whole story would come out if Vangheluwe were forced to resign. That’s when the victim asked: “Why do you feel so sorry for him and not for me? … You’re always trying to defend him. I thought I was going to get some support, but I have to sit here and defend myself against things I can’t do anything about.”

The Associated Press is now running a report that Cardinal Danneels deeply regrets the meeting ("he realizes that the whole approach, as it was, was not the right one," says his spokesman) and that he was unprepared for the meeting, which Bishop Vangheluwe had talked him into holding. According to the spokesman -- boy, I don't envy him -- the transcript was "in no way" in doubt, but was not complete enough to give a more nuanced idea of the meeting. "It is not correct to say that Danneels implied — let's give forgiveness and that's it," Toon Osaer said.

Meanwhile Zenit carries a fuller statement by Osaer:

"The cardinal agreed to a request of the family to be mediator in the family circle immediately after the abuse. In this confidential context of a family meeting, different solutions were examined with a view to a resolution ... At no time was pressure exerted on the family or the victim to keep the event secret or to prevent their appealing to justice or to the Adriaenssens Commission." The commission was established by the Catholic Church to investigate allegations of sexual abuse committed by clerics. In the statement, Cardinal Danneels repeated that "he condemns the abuse committed by the former bishop and that he deplores it profoundly." 

"He also expresses his disappointment over the fact that a confidential conversation was recorded and published, without advising the parties present," it added. The spokesman noted: "The fact that he did not make the talks of this meeting public in a preceding press conference is due to the fact that he did not want to break the confidential character of the meeting. It was also due to the respect owed to the victim, who had not been made known publicly and who had not yet revealed what he had experienced."

It is also reported that Bishop Vangheluwe's resignation was prompted by a friend of the nephew emailing the Belgian bishops to threaten going public. The reason for the nephew deciding to leak the transcript was in response to reports that he had taken hush money.

There is, at the heart of this, the sad story of a bishop who faces up to the abuse he committed and who spends 20 years trying to make up for his sin, as he tells the nephew in a subsequent interview, also recorded and leaked. And there is the abuse victim unable to forgive him. ("This is unsolvable,” the nephew tells his uncle. “You’ve torn our family completely apart.”) That exchange throws light on what Bishop Vangheluwe said when he resigned: that he had asked the victim and his family to forgive him but the wound had not healed, “neither in me nor the victim.”

This was abuse not just of a young man by a priest, but within a family -- which is where most abuse occurs. At a human level, it is understandable -- as so often in these cases -- that those involved will try to seek resolution and healing within the family; and it is therefore understandable, humanly speaking, that Cardinal Danneels would have acquiesced to the bishop's pleas to assist that process by meeting the victim -- especially if, as the spokesman suggests, this was at the request not just of the bishop but of his family.

But what also emerges from this story is the extraordinary lack of awareness of the wider context of the abuse scandal. When Cardinal Danneels met the victim, the Pope had just sent the Irish Church a profound apology for covering up abuse, and the cover-up scandal was exploding across central Europe. The single, devastating charge levelled at the Church was that it sought to put its own interests before those of victims, refusing them legal redress to avoid scandal. And here is a victim demanding justice -- not necessarily wanting to go to the police, but asking the Church itself to right the wrong; and being refused.

It is easy to condemn the two Belgian bishops: what on earth were they thinking? But there are things we do not know. Perhaps Bishop Vangheluwe -- obviously a penitent man, who looks back on the abuse he perpetrated with deep shame and horror -- believed that his nephew needed, for his own good, to learn to forgive; perhaps he feared the devastating impact the revelations would have on other members of his family. Perhaps, in other words, he wasn't simply trying to silence the victim in order to protect the Church, nor in his own interests, but was acting as his conscience told him to -- to try to bring about healing in the only way he believed healing could come about, for the good of all. 

I am surprised to find myself -- now that I write about this sad, sad case -- more compassionate than indignant. It is obvious, on one level, that the two bishops acted wrongly; but another, it is not so clear. Perhaps this is the kind of situation best dealt with in a novel, which can lay bare the different levels of moral choice, than in journalism. If so, the novel could only have one ending -- that of tragedy for all concerned.

And the novel's deeper lesson could be this: forgiveness cannot be a substitute for justice unless the victim accepts it as such.


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Molly Roach
14 years 5 months ago
I don't believe that Bishop Vangheluwe is in any position to have a clue as to what is for the good of his nephew.  And Cardinal Danneels is clearly clueless about the
consequences of sexual abuse for those attacked.  This reads to me like an effort to manipulate the nephew for the sake (nothing new) of the good of the Church.  This cannot go anywhere.  If there is a better or more nuanced translation, I would willingly read it, but as this stands, the bishops don't smell like roses. 
Carolyn Disco
14 years 5 months ago
Why does Austen Ivereigh not see the clever (and basically dishonest) wordsmithing by Danneel’s spokesman Toon Osaer, as reported by Zenit - that redoubt of biased journalism owned by none other than those masters of the dissembling arts, the Legion of Christ?
Note this line: “At no time was pressure exerted on the family or the victim to keep the event secret…” Who is kidding whom here? How can Osaer say that with a straight face?
The whole tenor of the meeting was to keep the abuse secret for the sake of the reputations of the abuser and the institutional Church. Danneels tries to keep the lid on: “I don’t think you’d do yourself or him a favor by shouting this from the rooftops.”
Nuance? Not at all. It’s the same self-protective stance to keep the secrets.
Zenit quotes Osaer: no pressure to keep quiet, he said, noting that Danneels agreed to facilitate a meeting where different solutions were examined. Osaer fails to understand or explain that one of the proposed solutions was to shut up and not embarrass anyone. Osaer follows that by saying Danneels regrets the abuse. Well, of course. And Osaer’s point is?
The victim is left to comment painfully to Danneels, ““Why do you feel so sorry for him and not for me? … You’re always trying to defend him. I thought I was going to get some support, but I have to sit here and defend myself against things I can’t do anything about.” Bishops do live in an alternate clericalist universe.
Ivereigh notes, “And here is a victim demanding justice - not necessarily wanting to go to the police, but asking the Church itself to right the wrong; and being refused.”
But we must not be indignant, right?
Perhaps Vangheluwe’s focus was essentially self-centered, the concern for “healing” for everyone, (e.g., his nephew learns how to forgive, and the family name is spared) was essentially to shield him personally.
The truth sets you free, even if it is incriminating, but truth and justice had long departed.
Carolyn Disco
14 years 5 months ago
And the clincher by Danneels, as noted in the next thread:

The cardinal warns the victim against trying to blackmail the church and suggested that he accept a private apology from the bishop and not drag “his name through the mud.”

But, hey, there was no pressure to keep quiet. Bishops, stop the damn lies.

Hearty congratulations to Belgian authorities for their seizure of documents, based on solid concerns from a former member of the Church's commission. Secret tapes and secret archives are the only sources that reveal what really happened, which is why bishops fight page by page to keep evidence hidden.
David Nickol
14 years 5 months ago
AUSTEN IVEREIGH says: Perhaps Bishop Vangheluwe - obviously a penitent man, who looks back on the abuse he perpetrated with deep shame and horror - believed that his nephew needed, for his own good, to learn to forgive . . . . 

I would say an uncle who sexually abused his nephew beginning at age 5 and ending at age 18 does not have the right to make the judgment that the nephew needs to learn to forgive, even (or perhaps especially) when that uncle is a bishop. Victimizers should not be permitted to make these kinds of judgments for and about their own victims.

To sexually abuse a child over the course of 12 or 13 years is not merely to do him an injustice. It is to do real and perhaps permanent damage to a maturing human being in his formative years. Vangheluwe may very well have made it difficult or impossible for his victim to trust or forgive at all. If a victim really needs to learn to forgive, a qualified therapist is the one to help him do so. Not the man who raped him when he was a boy.

David Pasinski
14 years 5 months ago
I can't believe Austen's interpretation that the young man should learn to forgive....Would he say that about his own child or, if inapplicable, about any child he knows and loves? It is this type of distortion that perpetuates this issue even among those who blog onthis site. I think it is so complelely wrong.
David Nickol
14 years 5 months ago
There is something very strange about saying ''forgiveness cannot be a substitute for justice unless the victim accepts it as such.'' When priests and bishops are guilty of the sexual abuse of children, it is not merely a matter of a conflict between the victim and the victimizer. It strikes me that it would be very wrong in this case, as it was wrong in every other case of child sexual abuse where it occurred, to approach it as a personal matter to be worked out among as small a group as possible. 

Roger Vangheluwe, after all, was a priest who - while he was abusing his nephew - accepted ordination as a bishop. That fact just doesn't go away if the nephew forgives his uncle. 

It does not seem to me at all wise to think along the lines that if only cases of abuse could have been resolved privately, it would have been better for the Church, the victimizers, and the victims. The result of that kind of thinking is the reason there was an abuse crisis.

14 years 5 months ago
Did I get it wrong?  I thought justice for those abused and an admission of guilt for committing unspeakable acts against children preceeded any thoughts about forgiveness. 

It appears that not only did Roger Vangheluwe, the Bishop of Bruges for more than 25 years, commit unspeakable acts against his nephew but Cardinal Danneels did more than simply act with naiveté.  His words betray him.

This latest example of the abuse of power and authority in the Roman Catholic Church by Cardinal Godfried Danneels, the former leader of the Belgian Church, puts the lie to statements made not so many years ago by members of the hierarchy that the sexual abuse of children by clergymen was uniquely an American phenomenon.

Here in the United States previously sealed depositions that church authorities never expected to be made public support the fact that attempts at containment know no national boundaries.

Crimes against humanity?  No question. 

Will the institutional Church take ownership for the complicity of its leadership in covering up for the actions of those who have preyed on the young and their own actions in putting so many more children in harm's way?  Doubtful. 

To date, have any complicit bishops in the U.S. been sanctioned for their actions? Rewarded, yes.  Sanctioned, no.

The crisis continues worldwide while in the U.S. bishops and state Catholic Conferences continue to viciously oppose legislative reform in any state where bills addressing it have been introduced.

Even in the state of Delaware which now has no criminal or civil statutes of limitations on felony sexual abuse of children, the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington managed to get around the 2007 Child Victims Law and stopping the civil trials brought against it by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy almost a year ago.

Certainly not what one expected when the bishops promised Accountability & Transparency in 2002.

Sister Maureen Paul Turlish
Victims' Advocate
New Castle, Delaware
14 years 5 months ago
Sister: I find that the best advocacy work in this arena is done on my knees before the Blessed Sacrament. It seems odd that prayer never, but never, enters into these discussions...
Noel Debien
14 years 5 months ago
Dear Sister Maureen Paul Turlish,
Well spoken- and of course yet again by a woman religious from the USA! Thank God for vowed American women (and I note with irony the present vatican investigation into women religious in the USA). I am a practising Catholic who also works in secular  media here in Australia- where I sometimes report on this topic (http://www.abc.net.au/sundaynights/stories/s2505124.htm). I believe your words are clear, prescient and true. What I find strange in 2010 is that a Cardinal of the standing of Daneels (seriously respected around the world) would think it reasonable to say what Austen Ivereigh reports. Many lay Catholics are increasingly concerned that  senior ordained clergy remain clue-less - even after nearly 25 years of lurid and scandalous reporting of what reprehensible clergy have been doing. I know many fine and holy priests and bishops- but really and truly, the Daneels affair is a new low in the history of modern Catholicism - no matter what the extenuating circumstances.

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