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Robert David Sullivan is the production editor at America magazine.
Jeb Bush, at left, was unprepared for how prepared Marco Rubio would be for his attack. (Image from video.cnbc.com.)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
The biggest clash of the debate was between Mr. Rubio and Jeb Bush, whose status as Establishment Favorite is whirling down the drain.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
Not being able to feed one’s family certainly qualifies.
Ben Carson combines a low-key speaking style with some of the most inflammatory rhetoric in the presidential campaign. (Image from BenCarson.com)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
For many Americans, the White House is not something to be captured, but something to be resisted.
Paul Ryan does not want to be called a shirker. (Photo from paulryan.house.gov)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
Paul Ryan’s attitude toward taking command of the Republican forces reminds me of another GOP leader: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Vice President Joe Biden, seen here at this spring's White House Easter prayer breakfast, decided to leave "what could have been" alone. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
Saying, “I believe we’re out of time” to mount a campaign, Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that he would not run for president in 2016.
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
Justin Trudeau promised “sunny ways” in his victory speech and proclaimed, “A positive, optimistic, hopeful vision of public life isn’t a naïve dream—it can be a powerful force for change.”
Kansas thinks voting is a privilege that shouldn't be won at a state fair. (Shutterstock)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
36,000 Kansans made an effort to register that was pointless, perhaps misleadingly so.
Hillary Clinton had little to fear in the first debate among Democratic presidential candidates, sponsored by CNN and Facebook. (CNN)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
Has Obama's rhetoric of transcending partisanship lost its appeal?
There will be other polarizing figures like Kim Davis taking center stage in 2016. (CNS photo/Chris Tilley, Reuters)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
Pope Francis has been treated as if he were just person running for president.
John Boehner at a more hopeful time, taking the oath of office after being re-elected Speaker of the House in January. (CNS photo/Jonathan Ernst, Reuters)
(Un)Conventional Wisdom
Robert David Sullivan
The abrupt resignation of John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives is almost universally blamed on the impossible standards of his fellow Republicans.