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The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The basis of the conflict here between Jesus and his critics Pharisees and those who professionally know the Law is the set of laws known as the laws of cleanliness nbsp Many of these laws came into being because of concerns for health dirtiness could be a cause of harm for many in one s fami
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp With this Gospel reading John closes his long discourse about the bread of life a discourse occasioned by Jesus feeding bread to thousands nbsp Here John repeats old themes doubts and inability to believe even betrayal nbsp Also here John repeats his claim that in
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
This Sunday completes the lengthy discourse of Jesus about the bread of life nbsp On the past two Sundays Jesus has affirmed that he is the cause of a person s living beyond the grave that he will raise up a person from death to life forever nbsp It is faith in him that is asked from each of
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp The Gospel reading for the Feast of the Assumption is the Visitation that meeting made up of Elizabeth rsquo s words of greeting to Mary and Mary rsquo s poetic response to Elizabeth nbsp As is elsewhere so often the case we cannot understand this story without rec
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The Gospel section chosen for this Sunday is John 6 41-51 and is a continuation of the revelation Jesus had already given when he identified himself as the bread of life and the bread come down from heaven nbsp The passage of his speech which we read now is made up of two distinct parts nbsp
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The evangelists have recorded many of the remarkable things Jesus did in his public life they are astounding for their powers and revealing about about Jesus being and nbsp about his empathy with and sympathy for others nbsp Jesus miracles and teaching are considered by the evangelists as nothi
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
Jesus had just worked a miracle feeding nbsp over 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish nbsp Because of this the crowd followed him till it caught up with him in Capernaum nbsp Jesus initial remark to them seek the bread that does not corrupt but remains unendingly the bread which the son o
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
One of nbsp the readings nbsp which can be used for the Feast of St Ignatius Loyola is Luke 14 26-33 nbsp In these words to a crowd Jesus speaks of what in the first century was called nbsp hatred nbsp In his nbsp teaching Jesus mentions a series of objects to be hated if one is to be his di
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
This Sunday rsquo s Gospel reading Mark 4 35-41 is a story about Jesus calming the sea and waves nbsp This brief story is filled with meaning as one might expect nbsp Most notable perhaps is the immense power Jesus shows no one in Jewish history had done what he did here nbsp But this
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The transfiguration of Jesus already spoke of the glory of Jesus in this story the showing of Jesus rsquo glory we recall that glory is a characteristic of kingship means to underline what in the hours of Jesus rsquo trial and death seemed an impossible outcome of crucifixion To put his deat