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Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill is an author, lecturer and biblical scholar. For our Lenten reflection series she offers her own translation of many of the Psalms. She is also the co-author, with Joseph Papp, of Shakespeare Alive!
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
What, though, if we constructed a boundary between our time and God’s, and made time stop?
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
To submit to the baptism of John is to admit that we don’t always get it right, in a myriad of ways.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
We are afraid: afraid that our questioning will lead to spiritual cataclysm, that once the camel’s skeptical nose gets under the tent flap, the whole shabby edifice of our faith will collapse.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Amid the pain and suffering, God remains present in our hearts. No matter how much we wail and shake our fists, He will abide with us.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
We need not see prayer as activity for a solo operator only.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
His point was that a mundane action, carried out in a disciplined way, can be transformative. So it is with prayer.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Dec. 10, Second Saturday of Advent
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Ultimately, the jobs, the degrees, the nice houses, are all chaff in God’s eyes—they do not make us virtuous or worthy.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Mary shows us qualities to seek in our prayer life: receptivity to the divine word, thoughtful reflection and finally, the subordination of our wills to God’s wisdom.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Second Wednesday of Advent