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Close up shot of green olives, almonds and bread served on a dining table, to snack on as appetizer during a dinner party. (iStock/fotostorm)
FaithLast Take
Tim Busch
In face-to-face conversations, Catholics can disagree without being disagreeable, moving beyond caricatures to better understand each other’s humanity and heart.
FaithLast Take
Daniel E. Flores
The Eucharist is the final word and action of Jesus before he enters into his Passion. This set of just a few words and visible actions frames the meaning and intent of the great sign that is his whole life, culminating in his dying and rising. It is more than this, though.
Election poll worker Indira Barrios, 17, loans a pen to a voter at the La Quinta de Guadalupe retreat and conference center in San Diego on Nov. 4, 2008. (CNS photo/David Maung)
Politics & SocietyLast Take
Chris Crawford
WIthout free and fair elections because we cannot effectively address any of the issues mentioned in “Faithful Citizenship,” from protecting the unborn to creating a more just economy.
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, center, holds his crozier during Mass at the Our Lady of Peace chapel in the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center on April 13, 2024. (OSV News photo/Sinan Abu Mayzer, Reuters)
FaithLast Take
Timothy Michael Dolan
My recent visit to the Holy Land revealed fear and depression but also the grit and resilience of a people to whom the prophets preached and for whom Jesus wept.
FaithLast Take
Kerry A. Robinson
As we grapple with fragmentation, political polarization and rising distrust in institutions, a national embrace of volunteerism could go a long way toward healing what ails us as a society.
FaithLast Take
James Martin, S.J.
Father Lohfink’s book, ‘Jesus of Nazareth: What He Wanted, Who He Was,’ is a model of clarity, scholarship, insight, belief and, best of all, surprises, Father James Martin writes.