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The Word
Daniel J. Harrington
All our eucharistic prayers contain the phrase ldquo the blood of the new and everlasting covenant rdquo as part of the words of consecration As the sacrament of our ongoing relationship with God through Christ the Eucharist stands in the tradition of the meals at which ancient covenants were ra
The Word
Daniel J. Harrington
In the Bible the two great attributes of God are justice and mercy While on the surface they may seem to be opposites they exist in a creative tension in which God rsquo s mercy generally wins out The Scripture readings for the Fourth Sunday of Lent remind us that God is indeed rich in mercy The
The Word
Daniel J. Harrington
In Christian theology the term ldquo paschal mystery rdquo refers to Jesus rsquo life death and resurrection and their saving significance for us The adjective paschal derives from the Hebrew verb pasach meaning ldquo to pass over rdquo and alludes to ancient Israel rsquo s rescue from slav
The Word
Daniel J. Harrington
The word mystery among its several meanings may refer to a religious truth that is known by revelation and is not fully understood by reason alone The readings for the Second Sunday of Lent highlight Jesus rsquo identity as God rsquo s beloved Son and confront us with the mystery of his death on
The Word
Daniel J. Harrington
The Lectionary texts for the Sundays of Lent follow a somewhat different pattern from that of Ordinary Time The series of Old Testament readings develops the history of our salvation with reference to the theme of God rsquo s covenant with his people Israel The various Epistle texts help us reflec
The Word
Daniel J. Harrington
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent a period of 40 days of prayer and penance which reaches its climax and goal in the solemn celebrations of Jesus rsquo death and resurrection in Holy Week One of the traditional Lenten observances is fasting During Lent Catholics are asked to abstain fro