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Kevin Clarke
Mass attendance and Catholic affiliation have been eroding steadily since the 1970s for all income brackets, but the sharpest decline has been among the two bottom economic quartiles.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Emma Green
As a reporter, it is my job to follow along as individuals and communities try to figure out who they want to be and how they want to live.
Arts & CultureFeatures
Brandon Sanchez
As a high school student in a rigorous art program, she had been drawn to Impressionism. Its tension—between precision and subjectivity, seeing clearly and feeling deeply—marks Leilani’s fiction output.
Arts & CultureFeatures
Patrick Samway
When John Berryman and Robert Giroux met at Columbia University in 1932, they would not have expected to forge a decades-long friendship that would result in over a dozen literary classics.
Rachel Lu
It is some comfort to recall that Catholics have already survived many difficult periods like our own.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Patrick Tomassi
Catholic homeschooling resources have historically offered a whitewashed, triumphalist account of history.