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Thomas J. Reese
Praying for the president does not mean that you endorse everything he says and does. All should pray for him and the country, even those who hate him.
Connor Hartigan
My favorite carols are often among the least known.
Leilani Fuentes
The Advent season prepares us for the incredibly humble journey of Jesus’ birth. This carol provides another dimension of this humility. 
Therese Cory
Aquinas’ embrace of insights from Greek, Muslim and Jewish thinkers stems from his passionate pursuit of the truth about God and creatures—a pursuit that demands an open heart.
Politics & SocietyFaith
Cecilia González-Andrieu
What are our young people learning? What will we do as people of faith to actively mitigate suffering? And, finally, what about the future?
Arts & CultureFaith
Angela Alaimo O'Donnell
his own hands bound by his will, they offer no resistance, to those he knows will kill