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Arts & CultureBooks
Erin Brigham
By centering the voices and experiences of Latina/o sanctuary leaders in " Sanctuary People: Faith-Based Organizing in Latina/o Communities," Gina M. Pérez presents sanctuary as both a sacred and secular reality.
Arts & CultureBooks
Ryan Di Corpo
In "The Gospel of Peace," the Rev. John Dear embarks on a kind of spiritual experiment: interpreting the three synoptic Gospels through the lens of nonviolent activism and uncovering connections between first-century Judea and modern-day America.
Arts & CultureBooks
Alli Bobzien
In her new book, "The Mystics Would Like a Word: Six Women Who Met God and Found a Spirituality for Today," Shannon K. Evans beautifully articulates how the spirituality developed by women mystics still inspires and applies to us today.
Arts & CultureBooks
Daniel Cosacchi
In 'Opus," Gareth Gore examines many seminal moments in the history of the controversial Catholic group Opus Dei, arguing that its secretive ways have allowed it to cover up serious scandals.
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
Oscar Hijuelos's 'Mr. Ives' Christmas' doesn't start out as a cheery story—but in the end, this parable of good will lost and good will regained is a perfect Christmas tale.
Arts & CultureBooks
Amirah Orozco
Can you be a Catholic and a feminist? Julie Hanlon Rubio gives her answer in the introduction of her new book—in the form of a confident “yes.”