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Karen Sue SmithDecember 20, 2011

“Global Christianity: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Christian Population” has just been published by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life. The report locates Christian populations around the world and compares them with other religious groups and with historical estimates of the number of Christians from a century ago.

Using data from the report, I have put together the following simple quiz so you can test your own knowledge.
I will post the answers on this blog tomorrow, or you can look up the answers yourself by reading the Pew study online.

Test Yourself:

1. Nearly 1 in 12 of the world’s Christians comes from this country.

2. Which country has the largest Christian population in the world.

3. Of the five world regions—Americas, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Middle-East/Northern Africa—which region has the most Protestants?

4. Name the 3 countries with the world’s largest Catholic populations. Put them in descending order.

5. This country has more than twice as many Protestants as Germany, home of the Protestant Reformation.

6. This country has the most Christians in Europe.


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Danny Haszard
12 years 9 months ago

Jehovahs Witnesses belief system.

A) They are at your door to recruit you for their watchtower society corporation,they will say that *we are just here to share a message from the Bible*... this is deception right off.
B) Their *message* creed is a false Gospel that Jesus had his second coming in 1914.The problem with this is it's not just a cute fairy tale,Jesus warned of the false prophets who would claim *..look he is here in the wilderness,or see here he is at the temple*.

C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban against *whole blood* has killed thousands.
D) once they recruit you they will *love bomb* you in cult fashion to also recruit your family & friends or cut them off.
My family was spiritually and financially swindled by the apostate Watchtower society,3rd generation Jehovah's Witness Danny Haszard

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