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Tim ReidyJune 23, 2008

Jennifer Fulwiler is answering questions about her article "A Sexual Revolution" on our blog today and tomorrow. To submit a question, post a comment below, or email webeditor@americamagazine.org. Read our blog here.

A former prochoice atheist, Fulwiler is now a prolife Catholic who writes about her conversion on her blog, Et Tu?.

Comments are automatically closed two weeks after an article's initial publication. See our comments policy for more.
16 years 6 months ago
'prolife' misspelled; haven't read the article yet. i'm a teacher; can you tell?.........not for posting........
16 years 6 months ago
Thank you for the insight into my own psyche regarding sexual ethics. Even with all my religous training the whole idea of it's a choice, and the fetus is just a thing, seems to seep into the way I conduct myself. Just keep pointing the flash light of truth on things. Thanks again
lLetha Chamberlain
16 years 6 months ago
I made a rather long earlier comment that avoided legislation issues for a reason--because I don't think there should be legislation on abortion. It is a spiritual issue--which shouldn't be legislated. We don't need to make laws for such things.
lLetha Chamberlain
16 years 6 months ago
Please don't post my last post about abortion being a spiritual matter--I wasn't thinking clearly--of course, it is killing a child, and needs to be legislated as murder. i don't know what I was thinking. I am muddled right now... Thank you, Letha C. Chamberlain
Frank O'Loughlin
16 years 6 months ago
Having loved the exposition and shared it, I was dismayed to receive the following from my well-educated Catholic friend, alleging that Jennifer has none of the breadth of a Catholic conscience. " yes, I've read her stuff...unfortunately I've also heard her talk and she's a fanatic, sounding like she went from one extreme to another with no tolerance for anyone who hasn't been through her life/choices/changes etc. In person she's not a good presenter of conversion or compassion in anyway for anyone....and for her it's the only moral issue--doesn't care about other issues at all--not even health care for women/children let alone open the door to anything like the death penalty, war, killing anyone already here that you have to cope with face to face....now she just flips and blames another group--I keep hoping people generally will learn compassion first for everyone, then some sublety when it comes to talking about moral issues (anywhere on the spectrum of human beings...womb to tomb, individually and in large communities)... but few and far between...and how they talk about the human beings making choices--other than aggressively heaping blame and condemnation on them."
16 years 6 months ago
I have been reading/translating your article about abortion and sex, and I started to think that if we accept sex only as a means to create a new life, what about women who for some reason cannot bear children, what about menopausic women? Aren't they entitled to sharing such precious moments with the man they (we) love? Should we stop having sex altogether? Mariaelena Jara
15 years 9 months ago
I was given the article 'From Atheist to Catholic' by a friend because I am a Catholic that converted to Atheist and she has converted to Catholicism from Baptist. I read the article and then read about your conversion on your blog. I think it's a shame you couldn't attain a true love of yourself, others, and life without being brainwashed into Catholicism. You could have had the same cathartic experience or better through meditation. I am a spiritual, loving, wife and mother who is an active member of my community, including being a Girl Scout leader- without having to give up my intelligent knowledge that there is NO one all-powerful god that is controlling all the world and nature. If there was, he or she would NEVER allow the disgusting slaughter of human life that is carried out in his name to continue without any interference. I read your words with an open mind, as I do all that I encounter. Now I ask you to do the same and PLEASE read "god is not Great; How Religion Poisons Everything" by Christopher Hitchens. It is a NY times Bestseller and a MUST read. Your scientific mind should not abandon its search for the truth, simply because you have found some solace in feeling like a part of a community- especially when that community has caused so much pain, anguish, and death, and still continues to justify horrific behavior.

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