We offer a number of opportunities to engage with our editors and other members of our community. For more information about exclusive members-only events, please support our mission by becoming a subscribing member.
Join Frs. Matt Malone, S.J., Fr. James Martin, SJ and the editors and friends of America Media for an evening of networking and conversation!
Join James Martin, S.J., and Matt Malone, S.J., and over 100 pilgrims in the Holy Land, Feb. 24 to March 5. From Bethlehem, to Capearnum, to Jerusalem and Nazareth, this 10-day pilgrimage offers a broad view of the life of Jesus Christ. For reflections and to offer prayer intentions, please visit journeys.americamedia.org.
Reflections, videos and photos from the 2016 Pilgrimage to The Holy Land.
Holy Land Pilgrimage — Feb. 24 to March 5
Commemorate Pope Francis' Fourth Anniversary — March 15
Young Professional Cocktail Reception — April 27
Conference on the Catholic Imagination — April 27-29