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Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes
Arts & CultureTelevision
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Is Sherlock Holmes back? Well, it depends on how we define "back."
Arts & CultureCulture
Phil Nahlik
The second installment of the BBC series treats animals like movie stars.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Nick Ripatrazone
Jude Law gives us a nuanced portrait of a too easily satirized character: the Catholic cleric.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Jake Martin
What is it about Sherlock; drama that elicits such admiration and, at times, troubling obsessiveness?
Jim McDermott
These people's lives gave us a glimpse of something meaningful, something that liberated or encouraged us.
(Creative Commons, Flickr)
Arts & CultureIn All Things
Jim McDermott
The holiday special was the product of a Jewish producer from San Francisco and a Mexican-American Catholic whose mother brought him across the border in the 1920s.