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FaithFaith in Focus
James R. Kelly
A husband's journey through grief
FaithFaith in Focus
Michael Sean Winters
Why must we turn our eyes from suffering? A reflection on my mother’s death.
Arts & CultureBooks
Bill Gunlocke
Joan Didion has been writing books for more than 40 years. Her newest and most unforgettable book is "The Year of Magical Thinking."
FaithFaith in Focus
Matt Malone, S.J.
My father performed the most powerful act of Christian charity I have ever personally witnessed: forgiving the young man who killed my brother.
Myles N. Sheehan
In the last few years, I have become increasingly involved with death. This involvement has come from three sources: my clinical practice as a physician specializing in geriatrics, my work as a Jesuit priest at an academic medical center and my own attempts as an educator to improve the care of the