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Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Pope Francis says God’s love for us is without limits whereas human beings often lack this generosity and have a tendency to weigh up situations. His words came during his homily at Mass on Tuesday (October 20th) celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.Taking his inspiration from St. Paul&rsqu
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Today’s biblical readings present the theme of service. They call us to follow Jesus on the path of humility and the cross.The prophet Isaiah depicts the Servant of the Lord (53:10-11) and his mission of salvation. The Servant is not someone of illustrious lineage; he is despised, shunned by a
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
Jesus does not condemn wealth, but the attachment to wealth that divides families and causes wars: this was the focus of Pope Francis’ remarks to the faithful at Mass on Monday morning in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta.Reflecting on the readings of the day that had just been proclaimed at
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
We need to pray so as not to be infected by the "virus" of hypocrisy, a self-righteous attitude that seduces with lies that lurk in the shadows. Pope Francis was referring to the words of Jesus in the Gospel, during his homily on Friday at Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.Hypocrisy does not ha
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
October 15, 2015Santa MartaBeware of those who limit God’s horizons and reduce the love of God down to our size.  That was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily at the Mass Thursday morning (Oct.15) at the Casa Santa Marta.“Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away t
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
The Christian must discern all things, even when everything is going well.  That was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily at Mass on Friday morning in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.At his Friday morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis focused his remarks on